Make the Best of Your Venue With Laser Stage Lighting

You don't have to be an expert gig or party organiser to know how laser stage lighting really makes the best of your venue. I've had a bit of experience with putting on light shows for my friends and family and the best thing I did was deciding to buy the KAM Mini FX Laser. Initially I based my choice on the kit being lightweight in size so I can easily store it away and have it ready to take to any gig any time. But what really swung it for me wasn't just on how lightweight it is but when I realised how it works brilliantly in a contrasting heavyweight kind of a way! The red and green laser effects really do provide an amazing light show and you can quickly learn how you can create amazing fun effects with its two colour laser light.

Nowadays I get called on loads to set up my laser stage lighting and what I've found is each venue is different in temperature, but I have absolutely no need to worry about how hot or cold the place is because the kit works in all temperatures - that means high performance in low temperatures as well as when the heat of the hottest parties kick off. This is because the kit has its own self-heating system tucked into its aluminium body. How compact is that! Plus as well it being really lightweight - it weighs just 380g - it's really not at all bulky, measuring just 124mm x 102mm x 60mm Plus it has its own hanging mount built into it and is complete with power lead for mains so you're ready to get the party going within minutes of travelling wherever the action is taking you.

The KAM Mini FX Laser stage lighting makes all the difference - it's the fun laser stage lighting effect that is mini but which gives a maxi impact to your party by creating a really wide range of light shows with the combination of red and green lasers and by choosing from four effect modes. The different effects comprise twinkling, firefly, star and storm so that's amazing and as well you can choose the speed of the effects manually, or when you're joining the party animals you can let your lights move to the music for an extra-special effect. Party perfection!

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